The questions how security can be guaranteed, who should be in charge of this feat, and what consequences security measures entail upon society, constitute the central challenges of this day and age. The Centre for Security and Society focuses on these issues attempting to disentangle them with the help of an integrative approach. Through the cooperation of humanities, social and technical sciences, the Centre pursues the goal of understanding security-related problems in and for a liberally organized and open society.

Book series title: Sicherheit und Gesellschaft. Freiburger Studien des Centre for Security and Society (Security and Society. Freiburg Studies of the Centre for Security and Society)

Editors: Hans-Helmuth Gander, Walter Perron, Ralf Poscher, Gisela Riescher, Thomas Würtenberger  

Publisher: Nomos

Legitimität, Sicherheit, Autonomie (Vol.15)

Eine philosophische Analyse der EU-Sicherheitspolitik im Kontext der Digitalisierung

by Elisa Orrù

2021, 349 P., paperback,
ISBN 978-3-8487-7928-4

Resilience Engineering (Vol.14)

Oder von der Kunst, in der zivilen Sicherheitsforschung mit Komplexität umzugehen

by Benjamin Scharte

2021, 488 P., paperback,
ISBN 978-3-8487-8030-3

Handeln vor der Katastrophe als politische Herausforderung (Vol.13)

Mehr Vorsorge durch die Governance von Risiken

by Christine Prokopf

2020, 366 p., paperback,
ISBN 978-3-8487-6489-1

Nomos Shop

Rethinking Surveillance and Control (Vol. 12)

Beyond the 'Security versus Privacy' Debate

Edited by Dr Elisa Orrù, Maria Grazia Porcedda, Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann

2017, 240 p., paperback,
ISBN 978-3-8487-3506-8


Meldepflichten im IT-Sicherheitsrecht (Vol. 11)

Reporting Obligations in IT-Security Law (Vol. 11)
Data Protection, Critical Infrastructures, and special IT-Services

By Dr Florian Schneider

2017, 605 p., paperback,
ISBN 978-3-8487-3672-0
Nomos Shop

Gewinnabschöpfung zur Bekämpfung Organisierter Kriminalität am Beispiel Italiens (Vol. 10)

Skimming of Profits for Combating Organized Crime through the Example of Italy (Vol. 10)
Analysis of the Italian legal situation in the light of the European legal context and the German legal assistance

By Dr. Till Bettels 

2016, 398 p., paperback,
ISBN 978-3-8487-3554-9
Nomos Shop

Herausforderungen für das Recht der zivilen Sicherheit in Europa (Vol. 9)

Challenges for the Law of Civil Security in Europe (Vol. 9)
Topical contributions from the network KORSE

Edited by Florian Schneider und Thomas Wahl

2016, 270 p., paperback,
ISBN 978-3-8487-2782-7
Nomos Shop

Rechtsstaatswidriges Feindstrafrecht oder notwendige Maßnahmen zur Terrorismusbekämpfung? (Vol. 8)

Criminal Law against the Rule of Law or Necessary Measures against Terrorism? (Vol. 8)
On the constitutionality of §§ 89a, 89b and 91 StGB

By Florian Rautenberg

2014, 461 p., paperback,
ISBN 978-3-8487-1654-8
Nomos Shop

Sicherheit und offene Gesellschaft (Vol. 7)

Security and Open Society (Vol. 7)
Challenges, methods, and praxis of a sociopolitical security-related research

Edited by Sebastian Volkmann and Stefan Weidemann
Issued by Hans-Helmuth Gander and Gisela Riescher

2014, 177 p., paperback,
ISBN 978-3-8487-0681-5
Nomos Shop


Sicherheitspolitik zwischen Staat und Markt (Vol. 6)

Security Policy between State and Market (Vol. 6)
The Protection of Critical Infrastructure

By Patricia Wiater

2013, 307 p., paperback
ISBN 978-3-8487-0156-8
Nomos Shop

Online-Durchsuchungen und andere Maßnahmen mit Technikeinsatz (Vol. 5)

Online Search and Other Measures Involving the Use of Technology (Vol. 5)
Signification and legitimacy of technological use in preliminary proceedings

By Diana Kohlmann

2012, 348 p., paperback,
ISBN 978-3-8329-7374-2
Nomos Shop

Der Schutz symbolträchtiger Orte vor extremistischen Versammlungen (Vol. 4)

The Protection of Symbolically Meaningful Places from Extremist Gatherings (Vol. 4)

By Jens Lehmann

2012, 399 p., paperback,
ISBN 978-3-8329-7212-7
Nomos Shop


Prozess-Rewriting zur Durchsetzung von Compliance in flexiblen Geschäftsprozessen (Vol. 3)

Process-Rewriting to Enforce Compliance in Flexible Business Transactions (Vol. 3)
A framework to automatically implement rules of compliance in business transactions

By Sebastian Höhn

2010, 130 p., paperback,
ISBN 978-3-8329-5973-9
Nomos Shop


Sicherheit und Freiheit statt Terror und Angst (Vol. 2)

Security and Freedom instead of Terror and Fear (Vol. 2)
Perspectives on democratic security

Edited by Gisela Riescher

2010, 298 p., paperback,
ISBN 978-3-8329-5496-3
Nomos Shop

Resilienz in der offenen Gesellschaft (Vol. 1)

Resilience and the Open Society (Vol. 1)
Symposium of the Centre for Security and Society

Edited by Hans-Helmuth Gander, Walter Perron, Ralf Poscher, Gisela Riescher and Thomas Würtenberger

2012, 347 p., paperback,
ISBN 978-3-8329-7143-4
Nomos Shop