Network Of practitioners For Emergency medicAl systems and cRitical care

The aim of the project is to create an active Pan-European network of practitioners, decision and policy makers, suppliers and academia in the security field, sharing knowledge, experience and necessities, thus overcoming the current state of overwhelming fragmentation.

Driven by a core group of 18 project partners, the network will work to reach a common understanding of needs and priorities, as well as innovation potential that could better fulfil said problem areas, fill operational gaps and pinpoint areas for potential future research.

Based on the experience of its partners, in particular the practitioners who were directly involved in the recent dramatic events in Paris, Nice, Berlin, Madrid, Barcelona and areas outside Europe, the consortium will develop a structured and comprehensive approach to better prepare and respond to new security challenges and threats.

The consortium is led by CRIMEDIM and composed of 18 partners from 10 Member States and 2 Associated Countries. It groups partners representing the different sectors involved in emergency response: i.e. universities, research centres, governmental bodies, ONGs and SMEs.

The CSS coordinates the work package on ethic requirements, human, social and legal issues. Substantially it particularly deals with legal, professional, and moral responsibilities and interests in medical emergency operations. Of special interest are situations, in which medical needs compete with one another (as in triage situations), and in which medical needs and the “duty to help” compete with other interests (e.g. self-protection).


Find more information on the project's homepage and in this video

Supported by:

Duration: 01.06.2018 - 31.05.2023
Lead for the University of Freiburg contribution: Prof. Dr. Stefan Kaufmann, Nils Ellebrecht
Support: EU Horizon 2020