TRESSPASS - robusT Risk basEd Screening and alert System for PASSengers and luggage
The goal of TRESSPASS is to develop, demonstrate and validate a single cohesive risk-based border management concept for air, maritime and land border crossing points. It follows an “ethics and data protection by design” approach.
The 42-month EU H2020 innovation action project will address border control tasks at regular border crossing points, such as customs and smuggling prevention, immigration control, police searches for suspects, as well as cross border crime and terrorism prevention. Under a newly developed single cohesive concept, related threats will be managed as risks tailored to the specific situational needs of individual border crossing points.
TRESSPASS does not address border crossings outside of regular border crossing points (e.g. by boat). Threats posed by state-actors are out of scope, as well.
Building on previous ethical research as part of the project XP-DITE, the role of the University of Freiburg’s Centre for Security and Society is to provide the basis and input needed to address ethical, legal and societal aspects from the start and throughout the design and development process, with a special focus on data protection needs. Furthermore, Freiburg also leads the tasks related to accompanying research ethics.
TRESSPASS is a strong European Consortium of 22 partners. It is coordinated by the Greek National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”. The project is funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 programme, Grant Agreement No. 787120.
Duration: 01.06.2018 - 30.11.2021
Lead for the University of Freiburg contribution: PD Dr. Elisa Orrù
Support: EU Horizon 2020