On 6 and 7 November 2023, the Freiburg project RESIST "Safely Living in Freiburg: Resilience Management for the City" started with a kick-off with involved partners and companies ...


On 6 and 7 November 2023, the Freiburg project RESIST "Safely Living in Freiburg: Resilience Management for the City" started with a kick-off with involved partners and companies, including the Office for Fire and Civil Protection, the Office for Public Order, the Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics (Ernst-Mach-Institut) and the non-profit association Region der Lebensretter e.V. FreiburgRESIST is working on the creation of a dynamic security system that collects, coordinates and provides data for security authorities in real time. At the kick-off, the partners presented their individual visions for the project, and the concept for the management system. The development of digital solutions to enable better security in cities was the topic of the SifoLIFE competition by Germany’s federal ministry of education and research, in which FreiburgRESIST successfully participated and managed to secure 9.9 million euros in funding for the next four years. The Centre for Security and Society will support the city council’s office for Digital and IT Affairs with its expertise in the fields of ethics, sociology and resilience research. A focus will be on anchoring ethics and data protection in the functionalities of the system (privacy-by-design and ethics-by-design), sociological network analyses, observation of trials of the system, and quantitative resilience analyses.
